Is Christmas and waiting for New Year!
This year Christmas was a special time. First of all, we got to celebrate with family and we have a white Christmas! Last few years my husband told me that it hasn’t been snowing during the Christmas time. I guess we were really lucky to get to see a nice warm comfy Christmas this year, like the commercial advertised it!
I’ve been living my entire life till now in a tropical climate and experienced the cold winter snow season was a very mesmerising moment. But the downside is I wasn’t prepared how cold it will turn out! We went for a short walk to a hiking spot near our house and I sweared my hair and my husband hair was covered in snow. The wind that hit us back on the face was so cold and painful. Yes you heard it right, it was painful like lots of needles pinning on your face. Luckily I brought my mask along, and I covered my face with the mask and safe my face from getting hurt. The other thing you really need is the gloves. My hand was freezing and my fingers were feeling like numb. I barely able close my fingers to make a fist. Well good thing my son was more well prepared, thanks to suggestion from our babi, (grandma).
Now, in between the time of New Year and Christmas, we had a break back in our house. I got the chance to make some more sculpture to add to my inventory. Not much sales, but once I get the chance to go into a market, I am sure I will get more exposure. Just have to be positive. Here are the sculpture that I made and coloured.
Before a layer of paint was coated.
After a layer of paint was coated onto the sculpture.
Sanded and waiting to be paint.
The theme was inspired by the winter season. Sculptures were done before Christmas, was enthusiastic on making more little creatures and the coloured theme was after the cold cold winter experienced. Started to be a little bold on coating with colours onto the clay, perhaps I felt like I need a little boost for my self esteem to show it to everyone that I can colour too. Not just able to mix the colours to get an individual coat on itself, like for example, graphic art. I want to let myself know that colours can be fun again, like I used to paint with watercolours back in Dubai. The example would be my garden gnome little creature which I called it “Winter Teardrop”. The other little creatures I still hasn’t come out with a name yet. Hope the name will pop up soon to inspire me to paint it.