Slowly but steadily
Weather here is getting cooler a little now compared to last week. Finally it dropped to around 24 to 28 degree. Not so bad when the cool breeze of wind passes by. Anyway, it has been progressingly slow with my work but at least more new inspiration sprung through me while I was waiting for my visa to be granted. Decided to try imprinting some of the wild flowers or grasses onto my ring dish and it turned out pretty nice. Added with my favourite bunny scuplture onto it and voila! It is looking pretty sweet.
Bringing myself to work a little more consistence with the sizes of the sculpture and thickness of the dish. How I did it was by drawing and cutting out a sample of cardboard to standardised the sizes and thickness. Just imagined the macaroon mat that has all the circles drawn on it to make sure all your macaroons are the same size. So far it is working out pretty well but sculpture wise still need a little tweak here and there.
One of my bunny’s ears are broken. 😭
So sad, one of my bunny’s ears are broken. But good new is that air dry clay is very strong sticking on most of the surface. Which mean this can be fixed. Check out the plants imprinted on the dish. It is not easy as just stick and press because to make sure it stay at the position that is curvy, you need to hold it and press it on the same time.