As time passes and the longer we linger to the idea of everything will work out in the end, it seems the end is endless. When we felt like we tried as hard as we could, there is always someone or something is telling you that you are not trying hard enough. Everything seems like limitless because no matter how, the end goal will never end. It is good or is it bad? Some might say that, when your goal is set so high, you will never achieve it cause you are just not good enough. Set your goal a little lower and do it step by step. Will that really help? Every time I tried that, satisfaction only come for a short period and in the end, the feeling of not accomplish will emerge again. These few days, nothing seems to work out and I’m kind of feeling beaten down. I need some validation to make me feel like back in the game again of what I’m trying to do. Am I an artist or not? Perhaps like they said it is just a hobby. My work will not be validated by anyone except myself. What is their requirement to get accepted in any of the open call in gallery? Do we need a certain of followers in our instagram only to be accepted? Is my art not good enough to be even show case in any of the gallery? Sometime when I see what they choose to put in the gallery wasn’t even good enough but why they are still chosen? What is their secret? I’m a bit tired of beaten down so badly rejected that I feel like throwing all my work and go on regular work where at least I can be validated by the salary given. All I need is a little motivation. That’s all I’m asking for now.