Back to work
Fin. My holidays with my family just ended. I never knew how much I missed them till the last day I have to say goodbye. We were the last to arrive but the first to go, which make it even sadder that I have to miss out so much time to spend with them.
As soon as we arrived back in Slovakia, husband went to work the next day and as for me, preparing my new prints to be ready to put in different locations for sales. Felt so different now cause back in Malaysia were all sunny and humid rainy days but in Slovakia, it is cold and cloudy. It does change one person mood a lot. For example, it is harder to be more positive when the weather is so gloomy. Everything is back to normal routine, gym and my son to kindergarten but the holidays warmth still linger within us. My poor son has to adapt to the time zone difference, which is 6 hours! It is hard for adult and I can imagine, for a toddler, it is even harder to understand the changes felt within them. My son started to have phlegm and slight stomachache. Perhaps due to the sudden change in weather, stress traveling or even time zone difference.
During the holidays, I felt changes within our family too. Children are growing up to be an adult soon and my parents are getting older. Seeing the changes making me wanting to do more for them, but on the same time, I can’t even take care of myself much. Really hope I can stand on my own, financially soon!
While I’m back home in Slovakia, our house wasn’t heating up because the heater is not working. But luckily, it heated our house till 18 degree before it went kaput. More luckily, there is someone willing to fix it the next day! Imagine the cold for the whole week. Though things might seems down and our path is not moving forward smoothly, I guessed we are pretty lucky to have someone there to help.
Talking about all these changes, I am thinking of selling some lunch box to my neighbourhood. Perhaps starting with Asian menu like Japanese bento, Vietnamese lemongrass grill pork and some biriyani chicken rice. Selling once a week to a small group of customers. Pricing around €8 - €12 depending on the ingredients. Still in the planning process and hopefully it will be a good source of side income.